All Systems Go was created to fill a void in rehabilitation, exercise science, the interaction between neurology and bio-mechanics, and the relative mindset, that can either stifle or propel people in these specific areas. The goal is to advance all individuals committed to their own growth, utilizing the custom evolutionary programs and techniques available at ASG.
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Protoform® is a philosophy, technique and a process created by Neuro-Mechanical Specialist, Troy Stallman, that re-activates energy pathways, resets muscle tension/function and restores posture accordingly. The goal and desired result is to steadily eliminate body discomfort, irregular posture, and faulty movements.
“I have been working with Troy Stallman for the past 18 years… Troy has helped countless patients regain prior levels of function; they are able to return to activities they enjoy. He has been and continues to be an invaluable asset to my professional practice.”
— Dr. Craig Antell, Director of Ambulatory Orthopedic Rehabilitation at NYU Langone Medical Center